What Animals Eat Bananas? A Comprehensive Guide

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits around the world, loved by humans and animals alike for their sweet taste, soft texture, and nutritional content. But which animals actually eat bananas in the wild or as pet food?

If you’re wondering what creatures enjoy this yellow fruit, read on for a comprehensive guide.

If you’re short on time, here’s the quick answer: Primates like monkeys, apes, and lemurs are the most common wild animals that eat bananas as a major part of their diet. Domesticated animals like dogs, horses, cows, pigs, sheep, and goats also enjoy bananas as an occasional treat or addition to their feed.

In this detailed article, we will cover the following animals that regularly consume bananas:



Monkeys love bananas and it is one of their favorite foods. Many species like capuchin, squirrel, spider, and howler monkeys enjoy eating the sweet, soft fruits. The high sugar content gives them a boost of energy to climb trees and swing through the forest canopy.

Fruit is an important part of monkey diets, especially for species that live in tropical rainforests where bananas and plantains grow abundantly. According to research, on average about 15% of their diet consists of ripe fruits, with bananas at the top of the list.


Apes like gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and gibbons also relish bananas as a tasty treat. Studies of wild gorillas found that bananas and other fruits make up an estimated 25-50% of their diet. The rest consists mainly of leafy greens and pith.

Bananas are an excellent source of carbohydrates and potassium for our ape cousins. When given the choice, chimps will often select the sweetest, ripest fruits like bananas as their preferred snack.

Captive apes like those living in zoos are commonly fed bananas by their caretakers as enrichment. Zoo guests can watch with delight as an orangutan carefully peels a banana and eats it.


The adorable wide-eyed primates called lemurs that live only on the island of Madagascar also relish bananas. Species like the ring-tailed lemur and brown lemur consume a wide variety of fruit as up to 50% of their daily calories when available seasonally.

Bananas and plantains imported to the island nation provide plentiful, high-energy nourishment that lemurs eagerly eat.

Sadly, destruction of Madagascar’s tropical rainforests has severely depleted wild fruit trees. Providing bananas and other fruits to rescued orphaned lemurs at wildlife sanctuaries helps support their nutrition and health. Watching lemurs happily munch on a banana is a heartwarming sight!

Other Wild Animals


Bears are omnivorous mammals that consume a wide variety of foods, including fruits like bananas. Black bears in particular enjoy bananas and will happily feast on bananas when they come across them. According to a report, bananas made up 1.3% of the diet of black bears studied in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Bananas offer bears an excellent source of carbohydrates and nutrients to fuel their large bodies.


As the largest living land animals, elephants need to eat vast quantities every day to sustain themselves. Bananas are one of the many fruits elephants enjoy whenever they can find them. Wild elephants will travel long distances when they catch the scent of ripe bananas.

A bunch of bananas is just a small snack for an elephant, but they provide valuable nutrients. Bananas eaten by elephants include vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates – all beneficial for elephant health and wellbeing.


Many species of birds relish bananas as an occasional treat in the wild. Birds like toucans, parrots, hornbills and even smaller songbirds will happily sample ripe bananas when they come across them. Fruit-loving birds are attracted to the scent of bananas and can spread banana seeds to new locations through their droppings.

Bananas offer essential nutrients and natural sugars that give birds an energy boost. So next time you see birds feasting on bananas, know that this fruit is a tasty, nutritious bonus in their usual insect-heavy diets.

Domesticated Animals and Pets


Dogs love bananas! Many dog owners use small pieces of banana as a healthy, natural treat for their furry friends. Bananas are a great source of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber, and copper. They are low in cholesterol and sodium.

The sweet taste appeals to dogs, making bananas an awesome alternative to fatty or processed treats. Just be sure to introduce bananas gradually and in moderation to avoid digestive issues.


Cats can eat bananas too but only in small amounts. Bananas contain a lot of simple carbohydrates which cats have difficulty digesting. Some cats may enjoy the sweet taste of ripe bananas while others show no interest. To be safe, bananas should only be fed occasionally and in tiny portions.

Too much can lead to vomiting or diarrhea. It’s best to stick with high protein treats for cats.


Horses can safely eat bananas and enjoy them as an occasional treat. The natural sugar provides a little energy boost while the fiber keeps the digestive system functioning properly. Since bananas are soft, they pose little choking hazard.

However, owners should still slice bananas into bitesized pieces before feeding to avoid excess consumption. Bananas should not make up a significant portion of a horse’s diet but are fine for special occasions like birthdays or competitions.


Cows relish bananas! Most dairy cows are fed a standard grass or grain diet, so bananas make for a flavorful and nutritious supplement. The sweet taste and smooth, creamy texture seems to appeal to cows.

Bananas provide valuable nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and various vitamins and antioxidants. Studies have found feeding cows small amounts of bananas may increase milk production. Bananas can be fed whole or mixed with other feed.

Just don’t overdo it as too many bananas may cause digestive upset.


Pigs go bananas for, well, bananas! Both domestic and wild pigs adore bananas and will gobble them right up. Bananas are rich in essential vitamins and minerals pigs need – especially potassium. They also contain tryptophan which can make pigs relaxed and sleepy.

Owners of pet or potbelly pigs should feed bananas in moderation due to the high sugar content. Well-ripened, mashed bananas make a great occasional treat. Just avoid feeding pigs unripe green bananas which can cause constipation.

Sheep and Goats

Sheep and goats can safely snack on bananas. They contain nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and beta carotene that are beneficial for these animals. Since banana peels can be tough to chew, it is best to peel them first. The fruit can be fed whole or mixed into their main feed.

Due to the high sugar content, bananas should only be an occasional treat. While sheep and goats enjoy bananas, moderation is key to prevent overindulgence and potential health issues.


In summary, bananas are enjoyed by a wide variety of animals, especially primates in the wild. But many domesticated mammals and pets also relish bananas as an occasional treat or supplement to their regular diet.

Hopefully this guide gave you a comprehensive overview of the most common animals that eat bananas and why they like this sweet, soft fruit.

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