Animals That Live In A Pack

Wolves, lions, hyenas, and meerkats are just some of the many animals that live together in tightly knit groups called packs. These social creatures cooperate to hunt, raise young, and defend their territory against rivals.

If you’re short on time, here’s the key thing to know about pack animals: they work together for survival.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore over a dozen different pack animals from around the world. You’ll learn about their social structures, how they communicate, the roles each member plays, and how living in a pack benefits them.

What Is a Pack?

Definition and Key Characteristics

A pack refers to a group of animals that live and hunt together for survival. Packs are typically formed by predatory animals such as wolves, African wild dogs, hyenas, and lions. Some of the key characteristics of animal packs include:

  • Hierarchical structure – Packs have an established hierarchy with dominant breeding pairs and subordinate members.
  • Cooperative hunting and feeding – Packs coordinate to hunt large prey more successfully and share food amongst the group.
  • Complex communication – Pack animals utilize vocalizations, scent markings, and body language to maintain structure, relay information, and coordinate activities.
  • Shared territory and dens – The pack inhabits and defends a common territory and may share one or more dens.
  • Lifelong membership – Animals typically remain with their natal pack for life and offspring are raised communally within the pack.

By banding together in packs, predators can take down larger prey, defend resources more effectively, propagate knowledge between generations, and improve the overall survival of the group.

Reasons for Forming Packs

There are several key evolutionary advantages to predators living in coordinated social groups like packs:

  • Increased hunting success – Packs are able to pursue, overwhelm, and secure kills of large prey like deer, buffalo, or elk by hunting cooperatively.
  • Resource and territory defense – Packs can better protect and control a territory and its resources (food, water, dens) through cooperative defense against competing groups.
  • Alloparenting and communal care – Pack members cooperate to feed, defend, and train young, even when they are not the parents. This improves survival of vulnerable offspring.
  • Knowledge transfer – Younger generations learn survival skills, communication, pack structure, and information about their habitat and prey through the pack.

In multiple studies, pack predators like African wild dogs, wolves, and lions have been shown to have greater hunting success rates compared to solitary individuals. For example, one study found that pack dogs in Zimbabwe had a hunting success rate of 60-80% compared to a success rate of just 10-40% for solitary dogs.

Species Pack Size Prey Size Hunting Success Rate
African Wild Dogs 5-15 dogs Large antelope and wildebeests up to 600 lbs 60-80%
Wolves 5-12 wolves Moose, elk, bison over 1,000 lbs 45-65%

Researchers believe the high success rates of cooperative pack hunting conferred an evolutionary advantage that led to the development of highly structured social groups and complex coordination behaviors amongst apex predators over time.

Well-Known Pack Animals


Wolves (Canis lupus) are probably the most iconic pack animals. They live in packs of 2 to 36 individuals (😯) led by a dominant breeding pair. The pack hunts prey like deer, moose and caribou together in a coordinated way, with different wolves having different roles.

This cooperation helps them take down prey much larger than themselves. According to the National Park Service, the intricate social structure of wolf packs helps strengthen family ties and pass on important survival skills to pups.


Lions (Panthera leo) are the only cats that live in large social groups called prides. A pride typically consists of around 15 lions: a few adult males, related females, and their young. The size of a pride’s territory can range from 8 to 400 square miles!

😲 The females do most of the hunting in prides, often cooperating to ambush prey. Male lions help defend the pride’s territory from intruders. Cubs benefit from growing up in a pride through opportunities to learn vital skills from the adults.


There are three hyena species, and they all live in clans of 5 to 80 members (👍). Clans are led by dominant females, who are larger and more aggressive than males. Spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) are the most social species.

Their clans mark and defend a territory in which they hunt medium-sized prey like wildebeest. In spotted hyenas, cooperation among clan members is essential when defending resources or complex social status.

Researchers have discovered surprising intelligence and communication abilities within clans that facilitate working together.


Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) in the Kalahari Desert live in groups of up to 50 individuals called mobs or gangs. WOW! 😄👍 The core mob members are all related and cooperate in raising young, guarding against predators like hawks, and foraging for insects, spiders and small vertebrates.

A few meerkats always serve as “sentinels” who watch for danger while the rest feed. They make peeping sounds to warn the others if they spot an eagle or other threat. According to the SANParks website, this system allows meerkats to utilize desert habitats too risky for solitary individuals!

Wild Dogs

Like wolves, African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) rely on cooperative pack hunting. Packs range from 2 to 30 members and work together to chase down swift prey like impalas. Studies show they have an astonishing 85% success rate in hunts, thanks to coordination and teamwork!

😯 Members also cooperate in raising pups, defend territories jointly, and share food equitably based on which dogs made the most effort. Wild dog numbers are dropping though due to habitat loss and diseases from domestic dogs.

Conservation efforts are crucial for protecting packs and their complex social structures.

Pack Animal Pack Size Territory Size Prey Hunted
Wolves 2 – 36 50 – 1,000 sq. miles Deer, moose, caribou
Lions ~15 8 – 400 sq. miles Wildebeest, zebra, buffalo
Spotted Hyenas 5 – 80 Unknown Wildebeest, zebra
Meerkats Up to 50 1 – 4 sq. miles Invertebrates, small vertebrates
African Wild dogs 2 – 30 Unknown Antelope, impalas

Other Pack Animals

Harris’s Hawks

Harris’s hawks (Parabuteo unicinctus) are social raptors that live and hunt cooperatively in packs in the wild. These packs, which can consist of up to 15 birds, allow Harris’s hawks to take down prey much larger than themselves, such as rabbits, skunks, and snakes.

According to research, complex social hierarchies and “division of labor” exist within Harris’s hawk packs, with separate birds tasked with scouting for prey, coordinating ambush attacks, distracting prey, and delivering killing blows.

Killer Whales

Far ranging through all the world’s oceans, killer whales, or orcas (Orcinus orca), live in extremely tight-knit matrilineal groups called pods. Pods generally contain 3-9 members led by the eldest female, and family bonds can last many decades.

Offshore orcas are usually found in pods of 20-75, likely for cooperative hunting of large prey like whales and sharks. Through distinct dialects, pods coordinate sophisticated hunting maneuvers such as wave-washing seals off ice flows.


Like humans, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are highly social primates that cooperate in groups called communities. Male chimps patrol territory boundaries and participate in intergroup conflict in coalitions. Females often cooperatively care for each other’s young.

Research shows sophisticated political maneuvering within chimp communities, with individuals currying favor, forming alliances, and supporting allies in conflicts.

Bottlenose Dolphins

Intelligent and gregarious mammals, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) live in fluid fission-fusion social groupsaveraging 10-30 in nearshore populations. Long-term bonds between males form allied first-order alliances which cooperate to herd females, fend off sharks, and battle rival alliances for access to mates.

Groups coordinate hunting fish shoals through various signaling behaviors. In some locations, dolphins cooperatively herd fish towards fishermen and feed on the fish trying to escape.

African Buffalo

Massive bovids weighing up to 1 ton, African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) gather in herds of hundreds to thousands of animals for protection from predators. Herds contain smaller subgroups of related females and offspring led by the eldest cow.

While the herd moves as a coordinated unit, Buffalo have sophisticated group decision making, voting with their feet on when its time to drink or change grazing areas.

Gelada Baboons

Gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada) are unique among primates in forming enormous communities of up to 800 members made up of smaller harem groups overseen by a dominant male. Within the chaos, subgroups will groom each other, mate, and fight for social standing.

Teams of bachelor males cooperate to gain access to females by battling harem leaders. Geladas graze on grass in meadows and navigate sheer cliff faces with ease to escape predators.

Pack Roles and Hierarchies

Leaders and Followers

Most animal packs have established leadership roles. The leaders often are the alpha males and females that direct the activities of the pack and make important decisions, like when to hunt or move locations.

The alpha pair gained leadership through displays of strength, cunning, experience and an ability to command respect and obedience from the rest of the group. The followers support and cooperate with the leaders in exchange for protection and shared resources.

Cooperation Between Members

Cooperation amongst members is essential for a pack’s survival. Each animal plays a role depending on factors like age, size and abilities. The adults hunt, guard and look after the territory while the cubs and juveniles are nurtured and trained.

There is an understanding of mutual reliance where defending the pack becomes a shared responsibility. According to research, complex behaviors like coordinated hunting would be impossible without cooperation and cohesive social bonds.

Teaching the Next Generation

Raising and training the young is critical to preserve pack knowledge and culture. The adults teach essential life skills like communication signals, hunting techniques and survival tactics. Cubs shadow their parents and mimic their actions. Elders correct inappropriate behaviors.

This transfer of accumulative intelligence across generations allows behaviors to be refined over decades. According to the American Society of Mammalogists, the lifelong learning in animal societies enable extraordinary adaptation, like wolves identifying vulnerable prey animals even when herds migrate to new terrain.

Communication Within the Pack

Body Language Signals

Animals that live in packs, like wolves, lions, and elephants, rely heavily on body language signals to communicate within their group. These visual cues allow pack members to coordinate hunting, establish dominance hierarchies, bond with each other, and more without making a sound.

Some important body language signals include:

  • Tail position – A tucked tail signals submission while an upright, wagging tail signals excitement.
  • Ear position – Ears flat back against the head often signals aggression. Perked up ears show interest.
  • Facial expressions – Bared teeth are used as a threat while relaxed, open mouths signal playfulness.
  • Body posture – An upright, stiff stance indicates dominance compared to a lowered crouch which shows submission.

These silent signals help pack animals coordinate their behavior and maintain social cohesion. Interestingly, different species have evolved their own unique bodily cues that carry specific meanings to members of their group.


In addition to body language, pack animals use a variety of vocalizations to facilitate communication. Different sounds convey information related to territory, food sources, danger, and social hierarchy. For example:

  • Howls – Wolves howl to assemble pack members and define territory.
  • Roars – Lions roar to signal dominance and warn intruders.
  • Trumpets – Elephants trumpet to signal alarm or excitement.
  • Grunts/squeals – Pigs grunt and squeal to signal food, dominance, or distress.

Researchers have identified distinct vocalizations in many pack species that have specific contextual meanings. Pack members must learn these vocal cues as juveniles to properly integrate into the social group. Interestingly, different packs of the same species can have unique dialects!

Scent Marking

Finally, scent marking is an important communicative behavior in territorial pack species. Animals deposit strong-smelling chemicals, like urine, feces, and gland secretions, to mark territory boundaries and convey social information. Key scent marking functions include:

  • Defining pack territory – Marking territory boundaries wards off rival groups.
  • Signaling reproductive state – Marks allow animals to identify mates and avoid inbreeding.
  • Establishing social rank – Dominant individuals often mark more frequently and in prominent areas.

Scent provides a long-lasting record of activity that pack members can monitor. Wolves and other canids engage in “ritualized” scent marking behaviors to deliberately transmit chemical signals. Scent marking is advantageous as it allows animals to avoid direct confrontations while still conveying vital information.

The Benefits of Pack Living

More Success Hunting

Animals that live in packs, like wolves, lions, and hyenas, are more successful at hunting than solitary hunters. Pack hunters can coordinate and surround prey, cutting off any escape routes. Some species even have different roles like “chasers” and “ambushers” that work together for the catch.

Research shows that pack-hunting success rates can be up to 90% higher than solo rates! Having strength in numbers is a huge benefit for taking down big game.

Defense Against Predators

There is safety in numbers! Packs can defend their territory and protect each other from predators. If a solitary animal is attacked, it must defend itself alone. But packs act as a defensive team against threats. Their coordinated defense is extremely effective.

For example, musk oxen form protective circles with their horns facing outwards to guard against wolf packs. This impenetrable barrier secures the safety of their vulnerable young. Pack defense is one of the best forms of protection in the animal kingdom.

Caring for Young

Raising the next generation is a communal effort in pack species. Multiple animals share pup-care responsibilities and resources. Some key benefits of this cooperative breeding include:

  • Pups are rarely left alone, reducing chances of predation.
  • The work of nursing, grooming, playing, and teaching is divided among adults.
  • If one parent dies, others can still provide for dependent young.
  • Social bonds and relationships form early on.

Packs essentially have built-in daycare and babysitting! This gives the vulnerable young a greater chance of survival.

Information Sharing

Living in a pack allows animals to gather and share information essential to survival. They communicate about:

  • Food and water sources – tips on where to find prey and the location of fresh waterholes.
  • Threats – warnings about encroaching predators and how to avoid dangers.
  • Migratory patterns – knowledge of seasonal routes and safe resting spots.

This collective wisdom and real-time updates help the pack navigate and thrive in their complex ecosystem. Individuals benefit from the knowledge that comes with group living.


As we’ve explored, animals like wolves, lions, and dolphins have evolved to live in tightly bonded social groups that cooperate to survive and thrive. Pack living boosts their chances of getting food, raising offspring, and defending their territory against rivals.

Each pack member plays a role based on factors like strength, age, and relationships with others. Complex communication keeps individuals coordinated. The pack structure is key to these animals’ success as a species.