What Animals Spray: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’ve ever been outdoors and gotten a whiff of a strange, unpleasant odor, chances are it was caused by an animal releasing a spray. Many animals have developed specialized glands that allow them to spray liquids or gases as a form of defense or communication.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the fascinating world of animal spraying and discover which creatures use this ability and why.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: Skunks, snakes, insects, and even some mammals like cats spray substances like musk, venom, pheromones, and noxious liquids to mark territory, ward off predators, attract mates, and defend themselves.

Skunk Spray

Purpose and Composition

Skunks are known for their smelly defense spray, which they use to deter potential predators. This noxious spray is composed primarily of sulfur-containing chemicals called thiols, which have an intensely foul odor resembling garlic or rotten eggs.

When a skunk sprays, it can eject up to 12 times, spraying up to 10 feet with each burst. The main thiols found in skunk spray are:

  • (E)-2-butene-1-thiol, which causes the initial piercing rotten smell
  • 3-methyl-1-butanethiol, which causes a garlicky, burnt rubber smell
  • 2-quinolinemethanethiol, which provides a long-lasting skunky smell

    Skunks produce this chemical spray in two glands located on either side of the anus. The production of skunk spray begins when the skunk is around 2 weeks old. This powerful defense mechanism helps deter predators and protect skunks from harm.

    Even some of the skunk’s toughest predators, like foxes, coyotes, and bears, will think twice before approaching a skunk and risk getting sprayed.

    Range and Volume

    Skunk spray is incredibly potent and can be detected by the human nose at concentrations as low as 10 parts per billion. When sprayed, the liquid released can travel up to 10 feet, though thicker fur on some predators may reduce the range slightly.

    Most skunks can spray about 6 times before needing to replenish their thiols, though they often give plenty of warning before discharging their spray.

    Here’s a quick comparison of skunk spray range and volume:

    Range Up to 10 feet
    Volume per spray Up to 15 mL
    # of sprays Typically 6-8 before recharge needed

    This powerful defense lasts between a week and a month before losing its potency. During this time, predators will continue avoiding anything that was sprayed due to the lingering smell.

    Getting Rid of the Smell

    Getting sprayed by a skunk can be a nauseating experience. The smell is incredibly difficult to remove from skin, clothes, and other surfaces. Here are some tips for removing skunk odor:

  • Mix 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1⁄4 cup baking soda, and 1 teaspoon liquid soap. Apply this mixture to skin or surfaces and let sit 5-10 minutes before rinsing.
  • Try washing your or your pet’s skin in tomato juice or vinegar.
  • For sprayed clothing, wash repeatedly in an enzymatic laundry detergent. You may need to discard clothes that retain the smell after multiple washings.
  • Use air fresheners and odor eliminating candles/sprays in rooms where skunk spray occurred.
  • Seal off the room and place bowls of vinegar around to absorb the skunk smell over several days.
  • The most important step is to thoroughly rinse or wash sprayed surfaces as soon as possible. Avoid using bleach, which can react with thiols and make the smell stronger. With persistence and the right odor removal products, you can get rid of even powerful skunk spray.

    Snake Venom Spitting

    Cobra, Spitting Viper, and Other Venomous Snakes

    Venom spitting is a specialized ability that only certain species of snakes possess. The best known venom spitters are cobras, especially the Indian cobra and king cobra. Spitting cobras can spray venom from their fangs up to 6-8 feet away to deter potential predators.

    Other venomous snakes with this ability include the rinkhals of Africa, spit vipers found in Africa and the Middle East, and some Asian pit vipers.

    These snakes produce a highly potent venom in their gland, but unlike snakes that inject venom through a bite, spitters have a ridge on their fangs that allows venom to be expelled outwards. When threatened, they can voluntarily contract their venom glands to spray venom as a defense.

    The venom is often aimed at the eyes of predators to cause temporary or permanent blindness.

    How Venom Spitting Works

    Here’s a quick overview of how venom spitting snakes are able to aim and eject their venom:

    • Spitting snakes have a grooved or notched fang that allows venom to flow up the groove and out an opening near the tip of the fang.
    • Muscles surrounding the venom gland contract to force venom through the duct and up the fang.
    • Spitting cobras and similar species have excellent aim and can spray venom directly at the face and eyes of a target up to 8 feet away.
    • Specialized muscles around the fangs allow the snake to control the direction and trajectory of the venom that is ejected.

    Due to their ability to aim, spitting snakes do not waste venom unnecessarily. They tend to only spit when thoroughly provoked and once the threat retreats, they immediately stop their attack.

    Effects on Predators and Prey

    Venom spitters can profoundly impact other animals in their ecosystem. When aimed at the eyes, the venom causes severe burning pain and can lead to permanent blindness if not treated. Some documented effects on victims include:

    • Extreme irritation, swelling, and blistering of the eyes
    • Potential blindness if the cornea is damaged
    • In humans, occasional life-threatening reactions such as anaphylactic shock
    • In mammals like big cats, blindness and facial swelling that prevents hunting
    • In prey animals, blindness that causes them to be caught more easily by predators

    One study of spitting cobras versus mongoose showed the venom is equally effective at deterring both predator and prey species when aimed at the eyes. By utilizing venom spraying as defense instead of injecting venom through a bite, spitters are able to conserve precious resources while still protecting themselves.While all venomous snake bites should be taken seriously, the ability of certain species to spray their venom demands extra caution and respect.

    Knowing how to identify venom spitters, as well as following proper safety measures in their habitats, can help reduce risk for both humans and animals who encounter these fascinating reptiles.

    Insect Spraying

    Common Insects That Spray

    Many insects have the amazing ability to spray or release toxic or smelly chemicals as a defense mechanism. Some of the most common insect sprayers include:

    • Stink bugs – These release an unpleasant odor when disturbed or crushed.
    • Bombardier beetles – They can spray a hot, noxious chemical spray from their abdomens when threatened.
    • Caterpillars – The io moth caterpillar sprays hydrogen cyanide from its head.
    • Grasshoppers – They can spray brown, toxic fluid from their thorax when in danger.
    • Termites – Soldier termites emit a sticky secretion to immobilize enemies.

    Chemical Compositions

    The chemical makeup of insect spray varies greatly between species. Some common components include:

    • Hydrogen cyanide – A highly poisonous compound used by some caterpillars.
    • Benzoquinones – Volatile defensive chemicals used by rove beetles.
    • Terpenes – Smelly compounds released by stink bugs and other insects.
    • Alkenes, aldehydes, esters – Components of grasshopper spray.
    • Toxic alkaloids – Poisonous amines released by some ants and beetles.

    The particular compounds produced by each insect are optimized by evolution for maximum effectiveness against predators. Variations in chemical makeup also give each species’ spray its characteristic odor or toxicity.

    Defensive vs Offensive Uses

    Most insect spraying and chemical releases serve a defensive purpose against predators. For example:

    • Stink bug odor deters predators sensitive to smell.
    • Bombardier beetle spray can temporarily blind or burn predators.
    • Caterpillar toxins can sicken or kill animals trying to eat them.

    However, some insects also use sprays in an offensive capacity for hunting prey or competing with rivals of their own species. For instance:

    • Fire ants can spray venom that paralyzes and kills small prey.
    • Male beetles may release pheromones to deter other male mating rivals.
    • Worker termites use chemical secretion offensively to attack enemy colonies.

    Incredibly, the chemical arsenal of just some tiny insects highlights the amazing diversity and adaptation of the insect world.

    Scent Marking in Mammals

    Felines Like Cats and Big Cats

    Felines like domestic cats, lions, tigers, leopards, and jaguars use scent marking to communicate territorial boundaries and find mates. Cats have scent glands on their paws, cheeks, tail, and around their anus that produce pheromones.

    When a cat rubs against objects, scratches, or sprays urine, it leaves behind these pheromones to alert other cats “this area is mine!” Big cats like lions also scent mark by head-rubbing trees or other objects, leaving their scent from glands in their forehead and cheeks.

    Some interesting facts about feline scent marking:

    • House cats spray vertical surfaces like walls, doors, and furniture to mark their territory indoors.
    • Male cats spray more often than females, especially if they are not neutered.
    • Females in heat also spray more to attract potential mates.

    Canines Such as Wolves and Foxes

    Like felines, canines including wolves, foxes, and domestic dogs use scent marking and urine marking to define territories and attract mates. They have anal glands that release pheromones and also urine mark by spraying or dribbling urine as they walk.

    Wolves and wild dogs will scratch the ground after elimination to distribute their scent.

    Interesting canine scent marking facts:

    • Male and female dogs both urine mark, but unneutered males mark much more frequently.
    • Dogs sniff urine markings to gather information about other dogs in their area.
    • Raised leg urination leaves scent higher up for other dogs to investigate.

    Ungulates Including Deer and Antelope

    Hoofed mammals like deer, antelope, sheep, and cattle also scent mark their territories. However, instead of urine they have specialized scent glands on their heads, necks, feet, and rumps.

    Deer for example have scent glands between their hooves that leave odor trails when they walk. Dominant male deer also rub tree branches with their antlers to spread scent from glands on their foreheads. Some unique scent marking behaviors in ungulates include:

    • Goats kneel and urinate on their beards to smell more distinct.
    • Cattle sniff urine and feces near feeding areas to gather herd information.
    • Caribou scrape scent glands on the ground during the mating season.


    In conclusion, spraying is a common defense mechanism, territorial marker, and communication signal for many animals from skunks to snakes, insects to mammals. By releasing musk, venom, pheromones and more, animals can deter predators, attract mates, and claim their turf.

    Next time you catch a whiff of something foul outdoors, you can likely blame it on mother nature’s chemical arsenal.